Can’t forget the talented new guys like drummer _______ and sax man ________ but it’s Mike Love and  Bruce Jphnson , to a lesser extent, that deserve the credit for what they’ve don e and are STILL doing, like touring  many nights most weeks.

Brian has toured for many years on his own with his own band including Al Jardine and Jardine’s son and others now taking a break following the passing of Brian’s wife and whether they’ll continue as anybody’s guess.

Most recently Mike love this group and Brian have been celebrating the Beach Boys history in a new a recent documentary by Disney which is viewable now on Disney Plus and there is a nice trailer shown at last night’s concert in Redding California which will highlight below.

I hadn’t seen the Beach Boys for a number of years so it was great to see them last night play Redding, CA and get that Happy Feeling once again with great front row seats no less and I encourage anybody and everybody who can be near upcoming shows to see them soon as they hopefully will go on forever but there’s no guarantee. see tour schedule at