While on that subject…
I”VE ALWAYS BEEN CURIOUS WHY SOME PEOPLE CHANGE WITH THE TIMES while OTHERS BASIC PERSONALITIES SEEM TO REMAIN CONSTANT THROUGH THEIR LIVES. I’ve noticed even among close friends how some have changed along with society. As the music, movies and TV programming take on a more aggressive tone, so do these people. No wonder ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’is not as popular as it was twenty or even ten years ago; now a more recent Christmas ‘classic, ‘A Toy Story’, has become perhaps the most popular with its pranks, over the top father and , again, more aggressive nature. I ‘ve noted my own friends -ones who tend to watch the more aggressive and violent current TV programming, have taken to this Christmas movie over the former heartwarming one. I even talked ot one person yesterday whose son left the U.S, as he felt it becoming too ‘aggressive.’ Or is it just me.
I’ve noticed that some older celebritiess also try to adapt to the times -not just modify their sound but literally change to the latest trend, eg rap music. I ‘ve called this the ‘DIANA ROSS’ syndrome, noting how in the 70s and 80s Ross tended to go with the latest sound. Of course, she hasn’t recorded much of late. There are others , too, you could probably name like Stevie Wonder for another.. And then there are those vintage performs like the late Roy Orbison, who pretty much always kept the same sound and stage show , noting ‘that’s what the people want’ – or Neil Sedaka or you name them…

On my same bike ride today – my mind must be working overtime – I notice a good half the folks along the way dressed in t-shirts and shorts, this on a cold winter day. This isn’t Florida but Northern California where it can get pretty cold late in the day, especially, like when I was riding.Another fifty percent seemed to be mostly bundled up. What is up with the former group who go out in the cold as if it were summer? Ever noticed in your area. I find this to be a more recent phenonmenon
RECALLING OLD NEIGHBORS, WHITE FLIGHT AND 1959 SKYLINER , BY CHANCEGraves family moved to – Bolla Street in Alamo.They were
first of the white flight neighors from our street in Oakland to venture to the white suburbs
maybe 19602. I remember this distinctly when they broke up the ‘old gang.’ Dr.Graves had recently bought a 1959 Ford Skyliner – the one where the hardtop roof retracts in to the trunk…beauty red and white model…so it wasn’t too long after that that he took his nice car and left us.However, we did get a nice new family with kids who moved in . There was another change with the Makowers moving in to a new or remodeled home at the end of HIllwood – and Joel became my best friend while we lived on Hillwood. It wasn’t too many years later than my own family uprooted in 1968 and moved not to the suburbs but to the Oakland hills, which were live the suburbs, mostly white.
This all came back to me today while I was riding my bike by I recognized the street name Bolla, I had only driven by there maybe once many years ago wondering to where the Graves had moved . There probably not their any more.