I’d like to wish you all a very

Happy Valentines

Day / Week  /



…. and bring you some joy and savings of 50c and 60c and more coupons, i f you get the drift – I’m in OLDIES Country – the 50s and 60s , you knowWe’re not supposed to have internet but click here to be transported  to Coupon Country / Yellow Pages Coupons! And a special thanks to the Great Jackie Wilson for the music (If you don’t hear it, click on the arrow below... and LOOK! I’m dancing almost right in step with the music! One of my favorites…


NOW, Here are some more great tunes from the Fifites and Sixties. Enjoy!

Happy Valentines Day

 – Deals and discounts and music, too


Even if you’re not quite 60 yet, please enjoy:

click: JukeboxS
