Don Gibson,Bob Luman,Sue Thompson,Kris Jensen,Don Everly,Donovan…
HICKORY – The Little Label That Could
Back in the day when vinyl had it’s REAL heyday, it was often the little labels that produced the best stuff. These were sometimes subsidiaries or ‘feeder’ labels of the big boys (MGM, Columbia, RCA, etc) – often used by their owners to record less popular, lesser-known styles and artists or bigger names between big labels or artists on the way down. Whether One hit wonders like Kris Jensen (Torture) or Sue Thompson or Don Everly when he wasn’t recording with his brother, Phil or Don Gibson when he wasn’t having big hits with MGM/Mercury, Hickory offered some top notch ‘countripolitan’ music, some of which you may not have heard on the radio. Though Hickory Records had a solid run in the late 50s and early 60s it was the mid 60s and 70s that gave Hickory it’s most success , particularly with Gibson and Donovan(!). Mickey Newbury was perhaps the diamond in the rough of all, a highly regarded folk artist who somehow never found a major label, as far as we know.
HIckory was begun by famed country artist Roy Acuff in the early 1950s and later run by Roy Orbison‘s manager of the late 60s/early 70s, Wesley Rose (who also happened to be the son of one of the major country players . Orbison was closely associated with many of these artists including his writing partner, Joe Melson and some would record his songs, those such as Kris Jensen and Bob Luman, who had quite a career as a country-rocker. Later, even a non-country act, Donovan , would have unlikely success on the small label, albeit with distribution help from MGM. Similar story for popular country artist Don Gibson for whom Roy Orbison was a protege. Orbison recorded many of Gibson’s songs and even did an entire LP of them. Eventually, Orbison would leave Monument to sign with Rose, but recorded at the larger, affiliated MGM label.
In the early days, Hickory had a very identifiable sound, much like Monument Records, where Orbison recorded his early work in the early 1960s. It featured the big ‘Nashville’ or countripolitan sound, with noted studio musicians, probably the same ones who were on the Monument sessions, people like Floyd Cramer on keybaords, Grady Martin on guitar, Boots Randolph on sax.
Hickory shuttered it’s doors around 1974 with Don Gibson’s ‘Snap Your Fingers,’ it’s last notable song. Forty years later publisher Acuff-Rose would re-open the label to feature American Idol singers such as Ruben Stoddard and Elliot Yamin.
In many ways, Hickory Records was like Monument Records, a small label able to survive with only one or two main artists and a lot of lesser yet talented acts that couldn’t get a chance with the larger labels. Perhaps Fred Foster (Monument) wasn’t totally original in going after the marginal, downhill or undiscovered talent, even offering much the same ‘sound’ and musicians. It was unusual to have such small labels see success without major distribution, though Hickory would later feel the pressure to do so and Monument, which had to close before re-opening in 1977 as a true CBS records affiliate.
Today, with the return of vinyl, we’re seeing not only more re-issues of such classic, little labels like Hickory(as below) but new labels popping up again. Who knows? Maybe we’ll see some new Don Gibsons and Sue Thompsons again
Hickory Records – Classic Small Label Gave Voice to ‘Forgotten’ Artists
Hickory Records artists
- Ernest Ashworth
- Roy Acuff
- Helen Carter
- Jim Chesnut
- Donovan
- Jimmy Elledge
- Don Everly
- Neal Ford and the Fanatics
- Frankie & Johnny
- Bob Gallion
- Don Gibson
- J. Hickman
- Frank Ifield
- Kris Jensen
- Bob Luman
- Joe Melson
- Barbara Mills
- The Newbeats
- Mickey Newbury
- Rusty & Doug(prior to their Warner Records period)
- Randy and the Holidays
- Wilma Leeand Stoney Cooper
- Buffy Sainte-Marie
- Ruben Studdard
- The Sparkles
- Sue Thompson
- Gail Wynters
- Elliott Yamin
Notable releases
- There’s a Big Wheel byWilma Lee & Stoney Cooper, released in 1959
- Fairytaleby Donovan, released October 22, 1965
- Universal Soldier(written Buffy Sainte-Marie) by Donovan, released March 12, 1965
- The Real Donovanby Donovan, released September 1966
- Catch the Windby Donovan, released March 12, 1965
- Coloursby Donovan, released May 28, 1965
- You’ll Need Somebody on Your Bondby Donovan, released November 1965
- To Try for the Sunby Donovan, released January 1966
- Josieby Donovan, released February 18, 1966
- Like It Is, Was, and Evermore Shall Beby Donovan, released April 1968
- A Girl For All Seasons by Gail Wynters, Hickory LPS 138
- Early Treasuresby Donovan, released 1973
- Donovan P. Leitchby Donovan, released October 1970
- The Best of Donovanby Donovan, released November 1969
- What’s Bin Did and What’s Bin Hidby Donovan, released June 1965 as “Catch the Wind”
- The Very Best ofDon Gibson (album), released 1973
- Louisiana Man byRusty and Doug Kershaw, released 1974
- Back In The Country byRoy Acuff, released 1974
- Still Loving You byBob Luman, released 1974
- Smoky Mountain Memories byRoy Acuff, released 1974
- The Girl I Love byCarl Smith, released 1975
- Snap Your Fingers byDon Gibson, released 1974
- Elliott Yamin byElliott Yamin, released 2007
- Love Is byRuben Studdard, released May 19, 2009
- Fight for Love byElliott Yamin, released 2009

(TOP) HICKORY COMPILATION offers a nice, if incomplete representative sampling of HIckory label-mates including Thompson’s two Hickory hits, Don Everly solo effort, Kris Jenson’s hit, Don Gibson … 1. Torture – Kris Jensen 2. Morning Girl – Neon Philharmnic 3. Playboy – Gene And Debbie 4. Bread And Butter – The Newbeats 5. Country Green – Don Gibson 6. Touch The Morning – Don Gibson 7. Sad Movies (Make Me Cry) – Sue Thompson 8. James Hold The Ladder Steady – Sue Thompson 9. Louisana Man – Rusty And Doug 10. Talk Back Trembling Lips – Ernie Ashworth 11. No Help Wanted – Bill Carlisle 12. Yesterday Just Passed My Way Again – Don Everly 13. Rings Of Gold – Don Gibson And Sue Thompson 14. The File – Bob Luman 15. Country Girl With Hot Pants On – Leona Williams 16. Don’t Worry ‘Bout The Mule – Glenn Barber 17. Wall To Wall Love – Bob Gallion 18. There’s A Big Wheel – Wilma Lee And Stoney Cooper
(THIRD) LP listed is pure country, featuring Don Gibson Ernie Ainsworth, Lorie Morgan, etc …
By DJ Joe Sixpack HALL OF FAMETOP 1000 REVIEWER on May 1, 2003
Format: Audio CD
BLUE HEARTACHES by DON ARGO was pretty prototypic of the Hickory sound and very Orbison-esque. A would-be hit yet little known of Don Argo today but the ‘memory of you and me’ lives on through this song.
‘I’D BE A LYIN’by LARRY HENLY was NOT proto-typic of the Hickory sound but a fine solo effort, nonetheless, by the late, lead of the NewBeats (Bread and Butter). Could be mistaken for Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. Not sure who came up with the sound first, also Dick and Dee Dee had similar. Henley and the NewBeats were probably the most popular group to record with Hickory. Henley was a talented writer who worked with Joe Melson and Roy Orbison and would later write the hit ‘Wind Beneath My Wings’for Bette Middler
‘Come Back To Me my love’ KRIS JENSEN actually came out prior to Orbison’s move to MGM. Had hit quality but never made it nor did this fine version that WAS recorded on Hickory by Kris Jensen, under the auspices of Wesley Rose. ‘They’ (Fred Foster) say the song, written by Orbison, was too similar to his previous hit to be another hit.
‘Yesterday Just Passed My Way Again’ DON EVERLY from his solo career at Hickory , presumably 2000s.
Everly classic redone by Don Everly