by admin | Jan 29, 2015 | JOE FRANKLIN
“Joe Franklin’s Memory Lane,” read the sign nearly buried in an avalanche of ephemera in Room 305, off a nondescript hallway in a Times Square building. The office door bore a small “Joe Franklin Show” sign, and to venture inside on Tuesday was to wander — or squeeze,...
by admin | Jan 25, 2015 | DICK DALE
Classic 1963 performance by Dick Dale on Ed Sullivan show featuring Dick singing before breaking into ‘Miserlou’ IF YOU LIKE THIS PAGE THERE’S A LOT MORE – SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE TODAY! >>> DICK DALE , THE LEGEND, RETURNS TO STAGE...
by admin | Dec 15, 2014 | JERRY LEE LEWIS
JERRY LEE LEWIS STILL GOT IT at 80 in New LP ROCK & ROLL TIME [stars] – Lewis is the Last Man Standing from the Sun Records Class of 1955 – 60 Years Later Also new Autobiography – CHECK IT OUT BELOW! While all his...
by admin | Dec 15, 2014 | FRED FOSTER, RAY PRICE
Noted country crooner Vince Gill sings on Ray Price’s last album, a 5 star effort ROY ORBISON’S PRODUCER RECORDED RAY PRICE’S ‘DEATHBED’ALBUM Before Ray Price passed last year he told famed record producer Fred Foster...
by admin | Oct 8, 2014 | AUNT ESTHER, FRED SANFORD, Sanford and Son
Happy Birthday to Aunt Esther from Fred Sanford, Celebrate Classic Sanford and Son Episode Fred Sanford wouldn’t forget to wish Aunt Esther ‘Happy Birthday’ Today – especially, perhaps, if...